Monday, January 15, 2007

Keeping the Rhythm In Wellness: Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit -- A Wellness Fair at Belmont United Methodist Churck, January 27, 2007

Keeping the Rhythm In Wellness: Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit
A Wellness Fair at Belmont United Methodist Church
Saturday, January 27, 2007, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
(All activities are FREE!!!)

The purpose of the Belmont UMC Wellness Fair is to realize the wholistic approach to health and wellness. Activities, booths, and presentations have been planned that focus on balancing body, mind, and spirit.Presentations, stations, and activities for the Wellness Fair include:

Chair Massage Therapy
Blood Pressure Screenings
Hearing Screenings
Organ and Tissue Donation Education
“Ask a Medical Professional” stations on diseases of the skin, mental health, nutrition, general medical information, “knowing your medications”, breast cancer education, and breast health information.
Cycling Team Ride (gentle) – departs church at 10:30 a.m.
Yoga (gentle)
Spiritual Meditation/Healthy Balance
Exercise provided by a Personal Trainer

For the children, Flashy the Fire Dog will talk information about fire safety. Children will also get to point out safety concerns in the Hazard House. The Nashville Fire Department will have a Fire Truck on site for the children to experience. The Wellness Fair will also provide child car seat safety education.

A healthy lunch ($5) will be provided by the Youth Ministry.

The theme, Keeping the Rhythm in Wellness: Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit”, will carry over to Sunday, January 28, 2007. The Worship Committee, along with the Health and Wholeness Committee, are planning worship experiences that will focus on health and wellness. Literature on health topics will also be available and nurses will provide blood pressure assessments.

(All activities are FREE!)

Come and feel the rhythm and balance!!! For more information, please contact, Rev. Linda Johnson or Rev. Marie C. King at 615-383-0832.