Tuesday, July 01, 2008

You can participate -- “The ‘We Believe’ Radio/TV Show at Belmont UMC” – Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. through August 14th

James Walsh’s award winning radio and television show, “WE BELIEVE,” has come to Belmont United Methodist Church to be the program for “Summer Nights at Belmont” in its 27th year, on Thursday nights this year, beginning June 5 and continuing through the summer until August 14. For several years, the television show has won awards as “Best Religious Programming” and “Best Talk Show” in both regional and national competition among Community Access TV programs. Since 1986, Jim Walsh has hosted his Roman Catholic sponsored show with his permanent guest partner, Belmont’s Richard Shriver.

General Walsh (Assistant District Attorney General for Metro, Retired – and Roman Catholic Deacon and theologian) will show DVDs of the television show, and will actually tape new radio programs at the Thursday night sessions, followed each night with question and answer and discussion time with the class members.

The topic for the summer will be “Ecumenism, Catholic and Protestant” and will explore the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church and the corresponding beliefs of Protestantism in general and Methodism in specific.

All are welcome and, of course, no fees.

The Thursday evening schedule will be, June 5 – August 14:

7:00 P.M. – Open with singing (as usual)
7:20 P.M. – Viewing the TV Show and taping the Radio Show “We Believe” and discussion
8:40 P.M. – English tea and refreshments (as usual)
9:00 P.M. - Close

"We Believe" appears on Nashville Cable TV Channel 19, 7:00 P.M. each Wednesday, and on WNQM AM Radio, 9:30 A.M. each Saturday, plus many other TV and Radio stations across the country. The radio version also goes all over the world weekly on WWCR Short Wave. Recorded programs are available in DVD and CD.