Saturday, August 05, 2006

Universal Worship Celebration Inter-faith Service, Smithville First United Methodist Church, August 29, 2006, 7:00 p.m.

Universal Worship Celebration

The Universal Worship Celebration is so named because it aims to promote the unity of religious ideals, and to give an opportunity to those belonging to different religions to worship together.

The Universal Worship is not another church to be included among the variety of existing churches - it is a celebration and an opportunity for those belonging to different religions to worship together to pay respect to the great ones who have come from time to time to help humanity. The different scriptures of those who have taught wisdom are read as part of the service.

On a central table are placed the scriptures of these religions: Christian, Hebrew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist. Along with these texts are candles which will be lit. As the candles are lighted we all give thanks and offer respect to all the different teachers, religions, and scriptures. They teach us that there is one light and many lamps. It is not the lamps which should first be taken to the mind; it is the light which should first be taken to the heart.

Universal Worship Celebration Inter-faith Service

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 , 7:00 p.m.
Smithville First United Methodist Church

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