Thursday, November 16, 2006

Forest Hills United Methodist Church Christmas Fundraiser for its Missionary, Victoria Bowman

Forest Hills United Methodist Church has the privilege of supporting our very own missionary! I don’t know about you, but I have never been a part of a community of faith where “one of our own” would give up the security of a very good job and terrific living conditions to go and minister in a foreign land; especially a place where the climate is unbearably cold in the winter and where English is not universally understood. It seems somewhat surreal - like something one would read or even dream about, but never actually act upon! Victoria Bowman, however, is doing just that! She is answering God’s call to serve as a missionary in Kazakhstan – a country where the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been repressed for many years. She is making an initial commitment of five years and hopes to arrive there by next summer. The only thing standing in her way is funding, and our congregation is committed to enabling her to answer God’s call on her life.

One of our most recent endeavors is a fundraiser, utilizing a book written by one of our own members. The history behind the book is quite sweet. Erin McDonough, one of our youth, wrote How Long‘Til Christmas? when she was a student at Crieve Hall Elementary. It was inspired by and dedicated to her little brother, Michael, who, at five years old, could barely contain his excitement for the approach of Christmas day. Illustrated by Crieve Hall students, the book is quite tasteful and includes an engaging text and adorable artwork with beautiful, vivid colors. It is a delightful work!

Copies of How Long ‘Til Christmas would make excellent Christmas gifts for all of the children in your life, and 100% of the proceeds will go towards funding Victoria as a missionary to Kazakhstan. The book is available for a suggested donation of $8 with a $2.00 shipping fee. You may order it through:
Forest Hills United Methodist Church
c/o Linda Williford
1250 Old Hickory
Brentwood, TN 37027
phone: 373-3131 ext. 202

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