Monday, September 29, 2008

Oktoberfest 2008 Offers Something for Everyone – Historic Germantown to Host the City’s Original and Largest Cultural Festival, Saturday, October 11

Nashville, TN – Nashville’s historic Germantown is gearing up for the 29th Annual Oktoberfest Celebration to take place on Saturday, October 11. The city’s original and longest running cultural festival will again entertain, regale, and delight thousands from around the region with its unique brand of traditional German revelry. This colorful, family friendly, autumn festival attracts over 25,000 guests.

The day will begin at 9:00 a.m. with the opening ceremony and at 9:30 a.m. with services at the two historic sponsoring churches, Assumption Catholic Church and Monroe Street United Methodist Church, The rest of the day is full of fun, food, fellowship, and entertainment. Oktoberfest ends at 6:00 p.m.

For over a quarter century, this original, city wide celebration has been offering authentic German food, crafts, tours, dance, and entertainment. Founded in 1980 by notable Nashvillians such as Davidson County Historian John Connelly and Father Bernard Niedergeses, former pastor of Assumption Church, Oktoberfest began as a way of bringing members of the neighborhood’s Assumption Catholic and Monroe Street United Methodist Churches together for a homecoming of sorts. Today, this festival is one of the few nationwide that can claim an authentic German neighborhood as a venue. Oktoberfest showcases the best of Germantown – it’s past history, present revitalization, and expanding future growth and diversity.

“Oktoberfest will be bigger, better and more exciting than ever,” said Rev. Rosemary Brown, chairperson of the Oktoberfest steering committee and minister of the Monroe Street United Methodist Church, which celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 2006. “I’m thrilled that Oktoberfest offers something for everyone, especially the children. With the kids’ Funland area – along with music, crafts, food, dancing, of historic churches – Oktoberfest is truly a family oriented, family friendly, family fun festival. Plus the Funland area is FREE for all of our little friends.

“And I want to encourage everyone to come at 9:00 a.m. for our joint prayer service and opening ceremony. Then at 9:30 a.m. you’re invited to worship at the Monroe Street United Methodist Church or Assumption Catholic Church, whichever you desire. These services are so meaningful with wonderful music, much of it in German. The worship services set such a positive tone for the entire day.

“Oktoberfest is an exciting and historic time for us,” said Father Michael D’Souza, pastor of Assumption Catholic Church. “It’s exciting because so many diverse people can spend the day enjoying delicious food, fun and friendship. And it’s historic because this celebration allows our former parishioners, neighbors, and young friends a wonderful opportunity to visit the site of their roots, heritage and traditions.”

Oktoberfest is a nonprofit organization. Proceeds go to the continuing historic restoration of Assumption Catholic Church and Monroe United Methodist Church and neighborhood outreach programs.

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